Kirby Family Farm is a 501c3 educational facility and museum that is principally devoted to the exhibition of our examples of industry, science, and agriculture. Our primary focus is sharing these exhibits with at-risk children and others.
We use our museum pieces, and history, agriculture, industry, and science exhibits to offer experiences that not only educate children and others about the specifics or importance of the items we exhibit, but also to relate the struggle, efforts, and work to leading and developing in life.
We share history, while educating and encouraging our future. Our goal is to help youth stay on track, or get back on track in life. Kirby Family Farm is open year around offering its outreach programs and educational experiences.
We offer opportunities to our supporters for private Field Trips, Group Outings, and other Special Occasions when available to experience our living museum and exhibits. There is not a charge. We only ask that if we can accommodate your request that you make a reasonable donation to offset the costs of your visit and support our mission. Please realize, these opportunities are limited so they do not interfere with our outreach programs.