What is MOPS?
MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers (children from birth through kindergarten). For children 5 and below.
We are a community of women who meet together to laugh, cry, and embrace the journey of motherhood. MOPS encourages women to be more honest, to feel more equipped, and to find their identity by journeying alongside one another.
This year's MOPS Theme is Say Yes! Yes, to God. Yes, to the thing that gives you butterflies. Yes, to this moment, these people, this life. Get ready to SAY YES. Have you ever gotten to the end of a week, month or year and thought, “How did I get here? Where has the time gone?” It happens in our parenting, friendships, marriage and work — we get caught up in the urgent demands of the day-to-day, and then years go by, and we realize we haven’t been making the small choices that will get us where we actually wanted to be. So this is the year to make some moves.
Meeting Days:
2nd Tuesday of month at 9:30am to 11:30am (Check-in begins at 9:15)
The cost per meeting is $7 which includes a delicious breakfast and childcare.