EAA Chapter 1674 Inc is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes. Our mission is to promote and encourage education of the general public about recreational, the design and construction of amateur-built aircraft, and the restoration of aircraft. In addition, we also promote and encourage education of the general public about aviation safety in the design, construction, and operation of all types of aircraft.
Meetings are held at the Inverness Airport FBO every third Saturday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am located at the South end of the airport in the blue building.
What types of activites are available?
EAA Chapter 1674 has monthly meetings with aviation presentations and opportunities to socialize with other members.
Young Eagles - Focused on ages 8-17 to experience aviation through workshops and local flights.
VMC Club - Discussions around visual meteorological conditions flying.
IMC Club - Discussions around instrument meteorological conditions flying.