Our experienced instructors are dedicated to honing your techniques and instilling confidence in a supportive environment.
Our Classes include:
Baby Sharks
Age Range: 3 - 5
This class focuses on the fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, basic martial art techniques, how to handle life issues appropriate for this age group while being on constant watch by our instructors for safety, and, of course, fun!
Kids BJJ and MMA Striking
Age Range: 6 - 12
This class focuses on exercises designed to take you to the athlete level at an early stage, martial art techniques that lead you on the path to black belt, and how to set realistic goals appropriate for your child's age. Of course, these classes are designed to be challenging and fun!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Age Range: 13+
This class combined the most fascinating form of martial arts. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu's like playing both Chess and Karate at the same time! This focuses on fitness and realistic self defense techniques tested through the ages and used in actual combat.
MMA Striking
Age Range: 13+
This class focuses on exercises and drills built to shape you into the path of being proficient in the form of Mixed Martial Arts. From jab, hook, upper, proper footwork and anything else you need to know in order to have an upper advantage not only competitively but as well as defending yourself amongst uncertainties you may face outside reality.