This delightful, enchanting sequel to Anne of Green Gables continues the exciting adventures of one of literature's most enduring characters, Anne Shirley. From her first days as a young teacher to her departure for Redmond College, we are reacquainted with such old friends as Marilla Cuthbert, Rachel Lynde, Diana Barry and Gilbert Blythe. We also meet many new ones: a cantankerous neighbor, Mr. Harrison (and his offstage parrot!); the mysterious Miss Lavendar; the beguiling Charlotta the Fourth; the irrepressible twins, Dora and Davy; and Anne's lively, but (usually) lovable, high-spirited students. Rejoin Anne and enjoy the embarrassment of mistakenly selling Mr. Harrison's cow, the anxiety of her first day teaching school, the humorous essay-writing assignment, the plum marmalade incident, the encounter with Miss Lavendar, the devastating storm and its aftermath, and the wedding at Echo Lodge. There are also flashbacks to Anne's young life and how she came to live at Green Gables.
Rated PG.
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