Nature Coast

LightUpCitrus Christmas Light Show

  • When: Thursday, December 19, 2024,  7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Location: 745 N Heathrow Drive, Lecanto, FL 34461
  • Cost: Free/Donations Appreciated

Our Christmas light show is always a family-friendly show. This year there are 20 holiday favorites synced to the lights. Although our Christmas lightshow is for all ages to enjoy, most of the songs will be newer Christmas music in order to keep the younger generations interested. There are some classic holiday favorites in the mix as well. But this is not your average traditional Christmas light display. The songs are more upbeat in order to go with the ambience of a Christmas light show. Show starts at dark and goes until 11pm.

This year our lightshow will feature another holiday toy drive benefiting CASA Citrus Casa is more than just a domestic violence shelter. They help families all year round. During the months of November and December, You can donate new and unwrapped toys at the donation box on our front porch at any time or while enjoying the light show. Value of the toy is not important.

Our show may be canceled on nights when it's lightning.
Please check our LightUpCitrus Facebook page for any cancellation notices before coming out on rainy nights.
If you have any questions, please send a direct message through our Lightupcitrus Facebook page.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!

  • Website:
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Family Fun

When coming out to view our show, You can park just before the display in front of the vacant lots and walk up to the display. You can also tune in by listening to it on your car radio If the area across the street is not busy. We do have speakers within the display to hear the show for those who want to get out of their vehicles. Tune to station signs are located at each end of the display and one in the middle if the display.
Your best experience will be getting out of your vehicle to enjoy the show.

Please do not allow children to run in the street, near the display or in our driveway.
The last thing anyone wants is for someone to get hurt.



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